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You may not have realized it. But, you were thinking about your brand the moment you began thinking about your business.


From inception and on

Once you started ironing out the company’s name, developing the style of your website or perfecting your elevator pitch, you were beginning to develop your brand and its strategy.


Your partner from the get-go

Being ahead of the game is great because brand counseling works best when it starts early. Too often businesses choose brands without considering the cost and business implications of using that brand in the future. They can end up tangled in litigation, fighting with the Trademark Office, unable to prevent competitors from encroaching with similar brands, or just unable to make a strong connection with their consumers.

Amplifying your impact

As trademark and brand management attorneys, we partner with you from the beginning. We help clients develop and select brands that work for their purposes – whether that is a big splash with customers, a strong defensible trademark, or just minimal expenses.

Our goal is to create custom solutions that amplify your business impact.

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