That’s a Wrap for ERAP (for now…)

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New York’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) will close as of January 15, 2023. This decision is the outcome of a settlement reached with tenant groups on December 14, 2022.

ERAP was originally instituted to assist tenants who were impacted by the Covid 19 pandemic. The program ran out of money in 2021, forcing it to close. The Legal Aid Society, on behalf of certain tenant groups, commenced an action to reopen the program in December 2021, and obtained an injunction to keep the program open in the hopes that further funding would be acquired.

The program did not get any additional funding. The settlement provides for the injunction to be lifted and the program will close unless further funds are made available.

When open, ERAP allowed tenants who could not afford to pay their rent to delay eviction by applying for benefits. Although the program is schedule to close on January 15, 2023, existing applicants will continue to be protected from eviction as long as their applications are pending.

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