New NYC Law Obliges Mobile Food Vendors to Display Sanitary Inspection Grades

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On May 30, 2017, Mayor de Blasio signed into law Int. No. 1456, requiring mobile food vendors (food trucks, hotdog carts, etc.) to display letter grades received after sanitary inspections akin to those displayed in windows of city restaurants. The new law will be a win-win for both consumers and vendors as seeing satisfactory grades will assure customers of a sanitary product, further legitimizing the ever-expanding food truck industry in NYC.  A similar bill is active in the NY State Senate. The state law would require the inspection grades to be displayed and require tracking of the mobile food vendors in order to efficiently find their protean locations for inspection purposes. Currently, the NY State bill has passed the State Senate and has been delivered to the State Assembly.  At the very least, expect to see health inspection grades displayed on mobile food vendors in the near future.

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