NJ Governor Doubles Down on the Winds of Change

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On November 19, 2019, Governor Phil Murphy, alongside former Vice President Al Gore, signed Executive Order No. 92 (Order) into effect, raising New Jersey’s offshore wind goals. The Order will raise the previous goal of 3,500 megawatt hours (Mwh) of offshore wind-generated electricity by 4,000 Mwh, for a total of 7,500 Mwh by 2035.

The Order more than doubles New Jersey’s offshore wind goal and is intended to deliver clean renewable energy, create thousands of jobs, as well as meet the State’s goals of 50% renewable energy by 2030 and a 100% clean energy economy by 2050.

When the goal is met, New Jersey’s offshore wind infrastructure will generate enough electricity to power more than 3.2 million homes as well as meet 50% of the State’s electricity power needs. In June 2019, the State selected Danish company Orsted to build a wind energy farm off the coast of Atlantic City. This project, producing 1,100 Mwh of electricity, is expected to be completed and up and running by 2024.

While the expansion of wind energy comes as a signal that New Jersey is leading the way in offshore wind energy, it will be interesting to see the continued interaction between state officials, property owners, and important stakeholders, such as the commercial and recreational fishing industry, as the 2035 timeframe approaches.

Anastasia P. Bellisari, a paralegal in our Environmental Department, contributed to this article.

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