2009 Required Minimum Distribution Update

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Late in 2008, the Worker, Retiree and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 was enacted, which provided for a one-year suspension of the required minimum distribution rules in 2009 due to the economic meltdown. This means that IRA and 401(k) participants and beneficiaries are not required to take minimum distributions in 2009. Unfortunately, the enactment of the law in late 2008 resulted in many participants unknowingly taking their minimum distributions in 2009.

On September 24, 2009, the IRS issued Notice 2009-82 to provide relief for taxpayers who already took minimum distributions in 2009 but now want to take advantage of this one-year suspension rule. Basically, taxpayers now have until November 30, 2009 to rollover their mistaken 2009 minimum distributions without any adverse tax consequences.

As the law continues to evolve on these matters, please note that this article is current as of date and time of publication and may not reflect subsequent developments. The content and interpretation of the issues addressed herein is subject to change. Cole Schotz P.C. disclaims any and all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the contents of this publication to the fullest extent permitted by law. This is for general informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Do not act or refrain from acting upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining legal, financial and tax advice. For further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to your firm contact or to any of the attorneys listed in this publication.

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